Grammatical and Lexical Cohesion in Manoochehri’s Poetry with Recurrent Words Approach (Based on Halliday and Hasan’s Theory)

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Language and Literature Teacher /Education

2 Full Professor of Persian Language and Literature / Allameh Tabataba& University

3 Docter / Language and Literature Persian Azad Islamic University Saveh

4 Docter Advisor / Language and Literature Persian Azad Islamic University Saveh


Using the cohesion theory of Halliday and Hassan (1985) in functional linguistics, this study aims to analyze cohesion and coherence in Manoochehri’s poetry with approach to “recurrent words” in his verses. The objective of the research is to verify how the verses of his Diwan fulfill the semantic relation of cohesive chains. According to Hasan and Halliday theory, cohesion is the relations of meaning that exist within the elements of the texts. However, having cohesion elements in the text does not necessarily make it cohesive as after verifying cohesive elements, it is also essential to evaluate the coherence in the text in terms of cohesive harmony. The results of this study confirm that there is high cohesion and coherence in the verses of Manoochehri. From among 456 cohesive ties studied in this article, it was found that in “lexical cohesion” out of 189 ties, “reiteration” (41.4%), ”repetition” with 119 ties (26.1%), "collocation” with 34 times (7.4%), “semantic contrast” with 19 times (4.2%), “synonymy” with 9 items (2%), and “hyponymy” with 8 items (1.7%) had the lowest  lexical frequency respectively. As for “grammatical cohesion”, the results indicated that the frequencies are respectively as follows: “personal and referential references” with 99 items (21.7%), “conjunctives” with 72 items 915.8%), “ellipsis” with 68 items (14.9%), “comparison reference” with 18 item (4%), and “substitution” with 10 times (2.2%)


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