An Analysis of Variety of Allusions in Saadi’s Bustan 

Document Type : Academicm and Research




In Persian literature, there is rarely a poet who is affected by Quran and Hadith (tradition) as much as Saadi is. From the outset of Bustan, he demonstrates his unique mastery of word of God and traditions. Like other Persian orators and writers, he has made use of Quran and Hadith through novel and various methods. For instance, his speech is sometimes ornamented with either part of a verse or Hadith or with their meaning, and sometimes with allusions to some concepts. Indeed, Quran is the main role model and structure for Saadi. He has focused on this holy book to assert his ethical philosophy, praise God, teach Islamic-ethical principles, and to remind practical lessons in life. Saadi does not directly demonstrate his influence from Quran but rather he applies Quranic teaching principles to create the setting of his poetry and anecdotes. Therefore, Quranic approach is evident in his phraseology, choice of words, tendency to Saj’ and space, and even his rhythmic sentences.


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