A Study of Nostalgic Elements in the Poetry of Elya Abu Madi 

Document Type : Academicm and Research


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Nostalgia or homesickness is a wistful longing for motherland and the past, and a yearning for former conditions regarded as utopian by the poet at the time being. Psychologists consider nostalgia as a complex sense of stimulating sentimentality which is sometimes manifested as sorrow and desire to return home, and some other times as a sense of frustration as a result of recollecting one’s country. Political, social, and economic situation, as well as poverty, immigration, and separation from one’s homeland are immensely effective in arousing this feeling. Using descriptive analysis and studying Abu Madi’s poetry book, the present research aims to explore homesickness in his works and analyze his personality and perspectives in association with this subject. The results of this study show that the sense of nostalgia is extremely evident in the works of this Lebanese contemporary poet. Separation from motherland, recollecting sweet memories of childhood and youth, sense of solitude in society, being away from his beloved, and hatred towards domestic totalitarianism and foreign colonialism are among the leading factors to stimulate nostalgia in Abu Madi. Yearning for the past places and time periods, as well as social, mental, sentimental, and political ideals are some nostalgic representations studied in this article. The poet’s susceptibility to situational conditions, and his special personality characteristics leading to nostalgic elements in his poetry are among the most important results concluded from the present research.


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