A Critical Analysis of the Story of Bizhan and Manizheh based on Hero’s Journey Archetype Joseph Campbell

Document Type : Academicm and Research




With the emergence of novel approaches to literature in the 20th century, Joseph Campbell redefined the field of mythological criticism by developing the idea of “hero's journey archetype”. After studying a wide variety of myths from different nations, he concluded that the hero progresses from the beginning to the end of a story through a shared formula in the form of a mental template which is repeated in all stories with minor variations. Bizhan and Manizheh is a love story in Shahnameh which can readily lend itself to analysis based on mythological criticism. Thus, by making a comparison between the developmental stages of a hero through “hero’s journey archetype of Campbell” and the tale of “Bizhan and Manizheh”, it is attempted in this article to analyze the commonalities and also the role of each characters in the tale based on this criticism. Base on Campbell’s archetype, the present review reveals that Bizhan as the hero of the story leaves the ordinary world behind. Having overcome three stages of “departure”, “initiation” and “return”, he then comes back to his land with a transformed personality which is represented by his marriage to Manizheh.



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