Study of several stories from the Golestan based on the time of the genesis

Document Type : Academicm and Research


1 Mohaghegh Ardebili University

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In order to investigate the theory of the "time of narrative" of the Genette and the approach of evaluating this theory in interacting with Golestan's stories, this research has been refocused on some of its short stories. Regarding the components of the gentile narrative time in Golestan, we have to separate the natural and logical timeliness of order and, in the discussion of the order of time, we examine the two separately. There were also different developments in each narrative that led us to use the definition of mother narrative and narrative of reason. The occurrence of outsourcing and the occurrence of introversion are other definitions that can be used to explain the difference in the time and speed of story and narrative. In the frequency study as one of the components of the theory, the similarity frequency, which was previously used in a paper titled "Time and Narration", was introduced in explaining the validity of the narrative frequencies. This research has been conducted through a descriptive-analytic method in which the beginning of the discussion has been based on the theory of "time and being", such as the theories of Husserl, Schutze and Heidegger. On this basis, it can be said that Sa'di's speech in Golestan is more complete than the theorem due to well-thought-out arguments.


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