Comparative analysis of Sa'di Shiraz and Shafiei Kadkani's likened and vehicle

Document Type : Academicm and Research




This essay has compared Sadi's Shirazi 50 Ghazal with Shafiei Kadkani's work "Ghazal Baray Gol Aftabgardan" (ode for sun-shade flower) which is circulated in line of love .It, also,has analyzed in the case of likened ,vehicle, repetition in similes and ways of renewing similes too. The comparative analysis of this two represented of yester and today is revealing collision of two vision and two experience in the field of similes. Thus, the essay clears extent of initiative and imitation of poets by classifying elements, adjusting , analyzing similes and giving graphs . By this comparing and studying ,we found out that likened in Shafiei Kadkani's book and vehicle in the selected Ghazal's of Sa'di possessed more variety and multiplicity. Numerous likened means more thoughts and ideas which causes extensiveness of subject,While the numerous vehicle means more contents, exaggeration as well as hyperbole. Additionally in this essay we found that Sa'di has used comparative simile ,implicit simile, tying up and synonyms in order to remove his repetition of likeneds. On the contrary, Shafiei Kadkani has chosen tying up likened and the accompanying with other beauty products to get rid of repetition for his imagination made up new similes.He benefited of less the ancient techniques such as antithetical and comparatve similes and etc. To remove repetition of vehicle,Shafiei Kadkani used making fine the simile that is an innovative work , while Sa'di did not pay attention to it.


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