Structural analyzes and linguistic Sonnet shoghe didar Aminpoor

Document Type : Academicm and Research




Study of poetry linguistically Examines signs verbal poetry in various devices. By examining the various language elements analyzes structural linguistics, semantics matters in all aspects of language. And puts a devices prosody, phonetic, lexical, syntactic and rhetorical text for meaning and Literature. The purpose of this research Reviews these devices on the structure and content of poetry And the role of each in balancing and literary text. Accordingly, The result of this rebalancing and Forgranding patterns in the poem "shoghe didar" the mentioned devices, shows that Aminpoor in the prosodic and phonetic, linguistic, make more efforts has to create music to express their feelings and thoughts. he rhetorical device, Prsonoficasion could cause Forgranding and the mobility of imagination and thought the poet. In this sonnet, coherent and coordinated structure and content working together elements of phonetic, lexical, syntactic, semantic and rhetorical throughout the tissues of poetry.
Key words: stylistics, structuralism, Forgranding, Aminpoor, Ghazal's shoghe didar


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