"The role ofMalek o-Sho'arāBahārand Ahmed Shawqi in the development ofliterary tradition in Iran& Egypt,influencedbyLa Fontaine's fables."

Document Type : Academicm and Research


Kharazmi univesity


The development of literary traditionusually happens through the influence oftranslated prominent literary works. These translated works by borrowing, localizing and adapting, could change the traditional categoriesin a given culture andcause a systematicdevelopment on the body of culture.

Due to many similar cultural aspects (in spite of geographical and social differences) between thePersian Constitutional Revolution and Al-Nahda in Egyptlike the situation of poetry in Arabic and Persian literature, which both of them were in decline and tragic weakness, and similarities between the situation of poets and writers for redemption fromthe dominant political, social and cultural conditions, and due toconcurrencyMalek o-Sho'arāBahār and Ahmed Shawqi, we interested to find out the simultaneity and differences between their poems which were influenced by La Fontaine's fables.

Thus, by selecting onepoem from each poets, we intendedto find out the simultaneity in adapting the educational concepts and throughshowingthe similar and different aspects in their individual methods, on localizing the concepts,we inferred how they havetransferred the loan concepts.

It must be mentioned that surveying these two poems could help us to find out the link between the statewhich madethesepoems to be created and to find the contexts which literary traditions absorb and simulate the elements from the other traditions. In this survey the methods that literary culturesreacted to such absorptions and simulations also were introduced. Comprehensionthese two issues could explain the processof development of literary tradition.



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