Hafiz And Social Criticism

Document Type : Academicm and Research



Polyphony is one of the main secret of  Hafiz's poem beauty.At the first glance , ghazaliats seems to be mystical  poems but they are social ones.The social ghazals are combined with humour ،Soliloquy and  his society problem.In the middle of mentioned combination,Hafiz's audible sound can be heard while he criticize his society  smartly ,thereby calling humanities in the uproar of false- sage and wrongdoer .The research studies Hafiz in terms of  four viewes :the criticism of government, religious organization,the current behavior and the personal traits. The result shows Hafiz is a sharp _sighted critic.His criticism is internal that accused humans more than  society for causing social defect.Thus,Hafiz's  criticism pays attention to humans and behavior which are symbols of his society.He belives that human is founder society.For the same reason,  a society ,whether closed or open, is make by people who live in.



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