Aspects of the Picture aesthetic and coordination with the emotions and thoughts In the lyrics Nusrat Rahman

Document Type : Academicm and Research



The image is a reflection of his inner emotions and thoughts of the poet and sensible way and when the Gorge will be singing in the train of thought and emotion. The purpose of this article is to show the functions of artistic images in poetry and harmony with the emotions and thoughts of his Rahmani that Analytical method with two image-oriented language (Verbal Image) and imaginary (Figurative Image) to fit the mindset and emotion Rahmani's poetic images. Pictures poets through summon words and making original descriptions created that this will make the room dark and in accordance with his ideas and the way in which Black called Romanticism. Rahmani imaginary images that reflect his emotions funds such as simile, metaphor, imagery and other virtual documents provided that embodies the spirit of defeat and despair of the that reflect his emotions funds such as simile, metaphor, imagery and other virtual documents provided that embodies the spirit of defeat and despair of the po


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