Study and Recognition the Second Translation of Amir Ali-Shir Nawai’s Majalis-ol-Nafayis (Shah-Mohhamd Ghazvini’s Transliton)

Document Type : Academicm and Research



Majalis-ol-Nafayis is one of the biography of poets which ghazvini organized the second translation it and Ali-Asghar Hekmat is edited and published it in 1321. We are compare and contrast Hekmat’s edition with tree older and credible manuscripts and found which has not congruence text of Ghazvini’s translation and Hekmat’s edition with text of Majalis-ol-Nafayis, Because, from one side existent sometimes subjects in the Turkish manuscripts which Ghazvini is removed from own translation them. As sometimes is added subjects to own translation which not existent in the main text and sometimes is differ one of section from his translations with source text. On the other, Hekmat’s edition sometimes is differ with source text and have influenced record wrong in it. Ghazvini’s translation is wide influenced in the sources literary history and bibliographies after his; So it is essential be edited according to older and credible manuscripts again. . . . . . .


  1. امیر علی­شیر نوایی، علی­شیر بن کیچکنه. (1363). مجالس­ النفایس. (تصحیح علی­اصغر حکمت). تهران: کتاب­ فروشی منوچهری.

  2. امیر علی­شیر نوایی، علی­شیر بن کیچکنه. (ف 906 ق. الف). مجالس ­النفایس. وین: کتاب­خانۀ سلطنتی. نمرۀ مسلسل N. F. 243. [نسخۀ خطی] تألیف 896 ق. تاریخ کتابت 903 ق.

  3. امیر علی­شیر نوایی، علی­شیر بن کیچکنه. (ف 906 ق. ب). مجالس ­النفایس. پاریس: کتاب­خانۀ ملی. نمرۀ مسلسل Supplement Turc 317. [نسخۀ خطی] تألیف 896 ق. تاریخ کتابت 933 ق.
  4. امیر علی­شیر نوایی، علی­شیر بن کیچکنه.(ف 906 ق. ج). مجالس­ النفایس. قم: کتابخانۀ آیت الله  مرعشی نجفی. نمرۀ مسلسل 4644. [نسخۀ خطی] تألیف 896 ق. تاریخ کتابت 934 ق.

  5. گلچین معانی، احمد. (1363). تاریخ تذکره­ های فارسی ( جلد 2). تهران: دانشگاه تهران.